SolPriPa 2 WORK project
Solving Privacy Paradox 2: Promoting High Standards of Data Protection as a Fundamental Right at the Workplace
Awareness-raising project on the protection of personal data in labour context
Project "SOLPRIPA 2 WORK" No. 101005544
Duration - 24 month
2021 February–2023 January
Estimated Project Cost: €283,095.25
Requested EU Contribution: €226,476.20
Problem field
The problem field covered will be the whole employment period: from recruitment procedure until after the employment ends.
Target audiences
Project partners will proactively reach out to such target groups as employees and employers in order to ensure effective and uniform application of the GDPR in employment relationships:
- businesses, in particular Small and medium-sized enterprises, and
- municipalities, courts, ministries, parliament, government and other institutions
Objectives of the project
1. To enable employers to create a work environment that complies with the principles of personal data processing
2. To help employees defend their right to the protection of personal data as a fundamental right in the workplace
Project activities:
- 2 trainings for experts of the project
- 3 surveys of employers and employees
- 3 kits of trainings material
- 14 trainings for business
- 6 trainings for the public sector
- 3 guidelines
- 10 podcasts
- 3 scientific articles
- APP „ADA gidas“ development and support
- Closing conference
SME and public sector will gain easy access to a variety of practical and usable support tools resulting in increased understanding of key data protection issues in employment relations.
Expected impact is two-fold:
- SME and public sector will adapt rules and practices ensuring sustainable compliance with GDPR requirements at workplaces;
- employees will gain high level of awareness how to protect their personal data.
The general intolerance for misuse of personal data in employment relationships will significantly increase.